Justification and Sanctification

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Justification and Sanctification provides a brief overview of what is the difference between Justification and Sanctification.

Justification and Sanctification

What is the difference between justification and sanctification? Is there a difference between justification and sanctification? Answering these questions is important if we are to understand the Christian journey.

1. Is There a Difference Betweeen Justification and Sanctification?

To begin with, there is a difference between justification and sanctification and it is absolutely important that we understand the difference.

2. What is Justification?

Justification is a legal act, not a process. It is a work of God, not of man. Man can never justify himself before a holy, righteous God.

There are no degrees of justification. Every Christians has the same right standing before God. When a person accepts or believes by faith what God has done for the sinner in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that person is justified.

Justification does not mean that God makes us righteous, but that he declares us righteous. In fact, God puts the righteousness of Jesus Christ on our record in place of our sinfulness and this record cannot be changed. Justification emphasizes our position in Jesus Christ. Our sin has been forgiven and our separation from God has ended.

2. What is Sanctification?

Sanctification is a process in which God works in and through the believer to make him or her more like Jesus Christ. Sanctification begins at the time of justification and is completed at the time of glorification.

Justification is instantaneous but sanctification is ongoing. Importantly, sanctification has no bearing on justification. Once a person has been declared righteous that declaration cannot be repealed!

Justification and Sanctification


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