Free Evangelistic Sermons

FREE EVANGELISTIC SERMONS help you understand what is an evanglistic sermon and how to write an evangelistic sermon.

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What Is An Evangelistic Sermon?

EVANGELISTIC SERMONS are sermons that are primarily focused on the presentation of the gospel message.

Therefore, writing evangelistic sermons require Scriptural texts that clearly present the gospel of Jesus Christ.

An evangelistic sermon has an introduction, body, and conclusion just like any other sermon.

You could present the gospel of Jesus Christ from several different perspectives.

For example, you could present the gospel message from the perspective of the Cross. You could make your main preaching point, Grasping the Declarations of the Cross.

In Romans 5:6-11, you will find that the Cross declares the magnitude, the uniqueness, and the depth of God's love.

Your evangelistic sermon would look like this. There are three declarations from the Cross of Calvary. They are...

  • The Cross declares the magnitude of God's love (5:6)
  • The Cross declares the uniqueness of God's love (5:7-8)
  • The Cross declares the depth of God's love (5:9-11)

Preview 16 Preaching Sermons From Philippians by clicking on Preaching Sermons.

How To Write An Evangelistic Sermon

Although an evangelistic sermon presents the gospel of Jesus Christ; nevertheless, an evangelistic sermon still needs structure in order to preach well.

You will need to construct a sermon outline. Your evangelistic sermon outline could look like this...

There are three declarations from the Cross of Calvary. They are:

  1. The Cross declares the magnitude of God's love (5:6) Three statements:

    1. Christ died for the ungodly (5:6)
    2. Christ died for sinners (5:8)
    3. Christ died for His enemies (5:10)

  2. The Cross declares the uniqueness of God's love (5:7-8) Two facts:

    1. God's love goes far beyond our love (5:7)
    2. God's love is not like our love (5:8)

  3. The Cross declares the depth of God's love(5:9-11) Four facts:

    1. We are justified by His blood (5:9)
    2. We are reconciled by His death (5:10a)
    3. We are saved by His life (5:10b)
    4. We are assured of eternal reconciliation (5:11)

Once you have constructed your sermon outline, you will need to add sermon content to each sub-point and incidental sub-point. Your sermon content expands and explains your sermon sub-points and incidental sub-points.

To finish your evangelistic sermon, you will need to write an introduction and a conclusion.

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