Free sermons for children is a biblical message for children. This free sermon was shared at a Christian school in order to encourage students and teachers in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Free Sermons For Children
This free sermon was presented in order to encourage children and teachers in a school community. The title of the message is: Encouraging One Another In the School Community!
INTRODUCTION: I see the school community has adopted Hebrews 10:24 as its inspiration for the school year. Let me read it to you, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds.”
My question is: “How can we spur one another on towards love and good deeds?” You know, the answer lies in the next verse, which says, “Let us encourage one another.” If you want to help your fellow students, your fellow teachers, your fellow parents in this school year, may I encourage you to encourage them. If you encourage them, you will spur them on to love and good deeds.
When I went into ministry, I bought a new computer (the old one was a definite dinosaur) but I could not afford a new printer at that stage. It worked ok, but it was a little tied. One Saturday night, after finishing my message for Sunday, I decided I might do some repairs on it before I printed out the message. Of course, this printer was a dot matrix printer.
Do you know what a dot matrix printer is? Well, a dot matrix printer had either 9 pins or 24 pins in the printing head, and these pins would print the words on the paper. Now, I had this brilliant idea that if I cleaned the printing head, the printer would print better. So, I took the printing head off, and I fiddle around with it for awhile, and I discovered I needed to pull it completely apart to clean it.
So, I carefully took the clip off that held it all together, and as I began to pull it apart, all of a sudden, pingggg. What I didn’t know was that it was spring loaded.
I learned a valuable lesson that night: “It is easier to pull something apart than it is to put it back together.”
Dr. John Sweetmen said, “It is much easier to criticise and pull people apart than it is to defend and build them up.” In other words, it is more difficult to encourage someone than it is to criticise someone or to pull someone down. And yet, as Christian parents, teachers and students, we have been called to do the more difficult thing . . . to be encouragers. As the Bible says, “Let us encourage one another.”
How do you encourage people? What are you doing to encourage your teacher, your parents or your children?
Let me give you three principles that will help you encourage people.
1. Choose your words wisely
The Bible says, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing” (Prov 12:18). In short, our words can hurt and injure or heal and encourage.
Remember that old saying, “Sticks and stone will break my bones but names will never hurt me.”
Don’t believe it – Don’t believe it for a moment – it’s not truth.
Reckless words do hurt, but a good word makes the heart glad (Proverbs 12:25). Therefore, choose your words wisely because they will either discourage of encourage.
2. Choose your responses prayerfully
When we respond to people and situations badly, we tend to discourage – we tend to put people off. The Bible says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, a patient man calms a quarrel” (Proverbs 15:1a, 18b).
Your responses to different situations and people are very important because they will either encourage or discourage. Therefore, choose your responses prayerfully.
When Jesus was reviled, He did not revile in return; when Jesus suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to God who judges righteously (1 Peter 2:23).
3. Choose kindness every time
The Bible says, “Be kind to one another.”
Rusty Welborn was a pitiful man. His childhood was a horror story. He was destitute, neglected, abused, and given no incentive to achieve in life. He was a street kid, a grubby, little street kid. Well, Rusty grew into an adult and found himself on death row for murder. Bob McAlister was a Christian and duty chief of staff to South Carolina’s governor. Bob had the opportunity to meet Rusty on death row and he decided to show kindness to him.
It took weeks for Rusty to respond to Bob’s kindness and love. In time, Rusty became a Christian and sought God’s forgiveness for his crime and the forgiveness of those he wronged.
On his final day, with only hours remaining before his 1:00 am execution, Rusty asked Bob to read to him from the Bible. After an hour or so of listening, Rusty sat up and said, “You know, I only thing I ever wanted was a home. Now I’m going to get one.”
Bob continued his reading, and after a few minutes Rusty grew very still. Thinking he had fallen asleep, Bob placed a blanket over him and closed the Bible. As he turned to leave he felt a strong compulsion to lean over and kiss Rusty on the forehead. A short time later, Rusty Welborn was executed for murder. A woman assisting Rusty in his last moments shared this postscript to his story: As he was being prepared for his death, Rusty looked at her and said, “What a shame that a man’s gotta wait till his last night alive to be kissed and tucked in for the very first time.”
If only we could show kindness like that . . . hurts would be healed . . . lives would be encouraged . . . and God’s people would make a difference.
Choose kindness every time and you will make a difference in your school community.
CONCLUSION: Let’s spur one another on to love and good deeds by encouraging others.
Will you be an encourager in this school year?
By choosing your words wisely
By choosing your responses prayerfully
And by choosing kindness every time
These free Bible Sermons were compiled by Rev. D. Blackburn BA GDM.