Free sermons for youth is a collection of two sermons that will help young people to live for Jesus in a rebellious world.

Free Sermons For Youth
Free sermons for youth is a collection of two sermons to help young people see the need for Jesus in their lives. The topics of these free sermons are: “Making Good Choices in Life” and “Without God we are lost.”
1. Making Good Choices in Life
David Johns is 22 years old.
David grew up in the city. He came from a broken home. He can’t remember his father, and he never got on very well with his step dad.
When he was eleven, he started smoking cigarettes and by thirteen he was smoking marijuana.
Before long, he was selling marijuana in schools. That was until he got caught by the police.
By the time David was fifteen, he was living in a home for messed up young men. By sixteen he was addicted to alcohol. By seventeen he was addicted to drugs.
When I read his story, I saw a sad young man who had made all the wrong choices in life.
David Johns chose to live life his way. And after many years of living life his way, his life was in chaos. When David looked back over his life, he only saw pain and loneliness.
However, God did not give up on David Johns. In fact, someone shared God’s love with him.
David was so taken by God’s love that he made a decision for God – what he saw as the first good decision in his life. He decided to choose Jesus rather than the destructive path he had taken in life.
This decision turned his life around. When David chose Jesus, his life was turned upside down.
David Johns’ story tells me that people can make good and bad choices in life.
We are all confronted with choices in life. Everyday we make decisions. And every decision we make has consequences.
If we make good choices, then the consequences are usually good. If we make bad choices, then the consequences are usually detrimental.
Can I encourage you young people to make good choices in life? And I believe making good choices in life begins with choosing Jesus.
As Joshua said to the Nation of Israel, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” (Joshua 24:15).
Choosing to serve the Lord will help you make good choices in life!
2. Without God We Are Lost
I want to tell you a story—a story about John and his dog Blue.
John is a retired farmer, and of course, his dog, Blue, is a retired farmers dog.
But John still has a farm, and he still has some cattle; and every now and then John and Blue go and check the cattle.
It’s not as easy now for Blue because he is getting old and going blind.
He can’t see that well anymore. But he is still a faithful dog—always there when you want him.
You know, farmers have a saying: A dog is a man’s best friend.
I always wondered why farmers said that. I suppose it was a way of saying farmers got attached to their dog.
John was very attached to his dog, Blue
Do you have a pet? We have a pet dog—his name is Benji. We love our dog Benji
Well, John loved his dog, Blue.
One day John and Blue went mustering some cattle.
John had to shift some cows from one paddock to another paddock.
Even though Blue could not see that well, he still got in and helped John.
After several hours, they had finished their work and they went back home.
When John got home, old Blue was no where to be found.
John didn’t think anything of it at the time. Thinking he must have went off wandering.
After awhile Blue still hadn’t returned home so John started to worry about old Blue . . . maybe, he was bitten by a snake . . . maybe, he got caught in a fence or something like that.
John went looking for Blue. John was hoping that old Blue hadn’t meet his end.
After some time, John found poor old Blue. His heart sank has he saw his beloved dog in the middle of the paddock.
There was a tear in John’s eye as he looked at his old dog.
You know, John hadn’t realised the seriousness of Blue’s blindness.
You see, Blue wasn’t dead. He was simply lost. He didn’t know which way to go to get home. So, he sat there in the middle of the paddock waiting for his master to come and show him the way home.
King David said, “I wander about like a lost sheep, so come and look for me , your servant [Lord], because I have not neglected your laws [or word].”
When I read that verse this morning, it reminded me of this story that John told me last night about his dog.
Without God, we are like Blue, blind and lost. Not knowing where to go or what to do.
King David said the same thing. “Without God, I am lost.”
The same goes for us. We need God to show us the way!
The Bible says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
The Bible also say, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
Will you let God show you the way in life?
Let me share one more bible verse from John 14:6, “Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
These free Bible sermons were compiled by Rev. D. Blackburn BA GDM.