The Law of the Big Picture

The Law of the Big Picture states that the goal is more important than the role. In other words, if the team is to reach its potential, each member must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team.

The Law of the Big Picture

The Law of the Big Picture

In a society that focuses on the accomplishments of the individual, people often lose sight of the big picture.

It seems everything revolves around my needs, my goals and my desires. A T-shirt message states it well, "My idea of a team is a whole lot of people doing what I tell them to do."

A team is not about a bunch of people being used by someone for selfish gain. Instead, a team is a group of people who are willing to lay aside their personal goals for the good of the team. This is The Law of the Big Picture whereby the goal of the team is more important than the role of each individual in the team.

Successful teams are teams where every person has a role to play and every role plays its part in contributing to the bigger picture - the goal of the team.

How can people nurture The Law of the Big Picture as members of the team?

1. Look Up at the Big Picture

It all begins with vision! You need to have a goal. If you have no vision or goal, then you do not have a team.

The role of the leader is to cast the vision or paint the big picture for the people. Without the big picture or vision, your team will not have the dssire to fulfill the goal.

2. Size Up the Situation

Team leaders value vision and the big picture because it helps them recognize what they must do to achieve the goal.

For team leaders, the size of the task ahead doesn't worry them. They don't hide from the challenge; instead, they look forward to the opportunity to put together a team to accomplish the goal.

3. Line Up Needed Resources

To aim high you need plenty of ammunition. Resources are the ammunition that helps you reach your goal.

A team must have resources to complete the task. The better the resources, the fewer distractions the team members have in reaching their goal.

4. Call Up the Right Players

When it comes to a successful team, the members are everything. You can have a clear vision, great strategy, heaps of resources and good leadership, but if you don't have the right people, then you are going to get nowhere.

As the old saying goes, you can lose with good players but you cannot win with bad ones.

5. Give Up Personal Agendas

Team players always ask themselves, "What's best for the rest?" In other words, they set aside their personal agendas or goals for the good of the team.

Team players usually have the motto, "No one of us is more important than the rest of us." To demonstrate this perspective in your team will nurture completion rather than competition.

6. Step Up to the Higher Level

When team members give up their own personal agendas, they move up to a higher level of team involvement.

Unfortunately some team members prefer to hang on to their agendas and pursue a path of their own inflated egos instead of putting them aside in order to achieve something greater than themselves.

For more information about this subject, click on the law of the big picture.

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