How To Prepare A Sermon

HOW TO PREPARE A SERMON provides the structure for preparing a sermon that is easy to follow and preach.

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Preparing A Sermon

Often preachers learn how to prepare a sermon in seminary.

However, the process of preparing a sermon is generally fine-tuned in ministry.

Preparing sermons week in and week out usually teach preachers a thing or two about sermon preparation.

What have I learned over many, many years of preparing sermons?

1. Every sermon has a structure

Every preacher has a paradigm for preparing a sermon. Some preachers understand their paradigm, other preachers do not. Usually your paradigm determines your structure.

Do you structure your sermon deductively or inductively?

2. A sermon has three parts - an introduction, the body, and a conclusion

To me a sermon is much like flying. Every time you fly in an airplane, you experience the take-off, the flight, and the landing. A memorable flight involves all three going well.

In a similar way, a sermon needs a powerful take-off (introduction), an engaging flight (body) and a memorable landing (conclusion).

Organize these three parts well and you will prepare and preach powerful and dynamic sermons.

3. The Body of a Sermon is the Sermon Outline

The body of the sermon is the main preaching part of the sermon. In fact, the body of your sermon should expand and explain the main preaching point of your sermon - this is your sermon outline.

I always prepare a sermon outline before I write content for the sermon outline and before I write the conclusion and introduction.

The sermon outline is my preaching road map for the body of my sermon.

The sermon outline helps me STICK to the main preaching point of the sermon.

4. The Sermon Outline Includes The Main Preaching Point, Sub-points and Incidental Points

The main preaching point of a sermon is the big idea of the sermon or the topic of the sermon.

The sub-points expand and explain the main preaching point.

The incident points simply expand and explain the sub-points.

To gain a better understanding of how to prepare a sermon, you can read the free article on - How To Write A Sermon With Ease?

More Information On How To Prepare A Sermon

Once you have prepared the sermon outline, you need to add content and illustrations.

Once you have written content to the sermon outline, you will need to write an introduction and a conclusion.

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