Free 3 Point Sermon Outline

FREE 3 POINT SERMON OUTLINE follows the deductive model of sermon outlining.

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How To Create A Sermon Outline

How to create a sermon outline that has 3 points involves four simple concepts. Master these concepts and you will be writing 3 point sermon outlines with EASE.

1. There are Three Parts to Every Sermon

Athough this is a given, nevertheless, some times this is a truth we often forget. That is, every sermon has three parts - an introduction, a body and a conclusion.

2. The Sermon Outline is the Body of the Sermon

The road map for the body of your sermon is the three point sermon outline.

3. The Sermon Outline Has Three Components

The three components to a sermon outline are the main preaching point, the sub-points and the incidental points.

4. The Structure of a 3 Point Sermon Outline

One of the most difficult processes in sermon outlining is structuring the sermon outline so that it has cohesion and sequence. And yet, this is very simple process really if you follow my model for sermon outlining.

I usually link the main preaching point with the sub-points and incidental points with a HINGE word or HINGE Words. The HINGE word is always a plural noun.

For example, you are preaching through the Book of Hebrews and you come to Hebrews 4:14-16. The main preaching point in this passage is Coming To Jesus For Counsel. And this passage is telling us why we should come to Jesus for counsel.

With that in mind your sermon outline may look like this:

There are four reasons for coming to Jesus for counsel. They are:

  • He is our great High-Priest (Heb 4:14)
  • He is our sympathetic High-Priest (Heb 4:15)
  • He is our merciful and gracious High-Priest (Heb 4:16)

Furthermore, you may have four incidental points explaining and expanding the concept of Jesus being our great High-Priest, which is point one of the sermon outline.

There are four reasons why Jesus is our Great High-Priest. They are:

  • He purged our sins (Heb 1:3)
  • He is the exalted one (Heb 4:14a)
  • He is our perfect mediator (Heb 4:14b)
  • He is the object of our confession (Heb 4:14c)

If you master these four simple concepts outlined above, you will create 3 point sermon outlines with EASE.

You can download free 3 point sermon outlines and how to write a sermon outline with ease by clicking on Free 3 Point Sermon Outline.

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