Discovering The Leadership Styles

Discovering the Leadership Styles examines the biblical gift of leadership and how that gift of leadership is expressed in different ways.

Discovering The Leadership Styles

Discovering The Different Leadership Styles

In his book Courageous Leadership, Bill Hybels suggests that the spiritual gift of leadership is expressed in different ways. "Different Leaders often lead with dramatically different styles."

Hybels goes on to say that effective leaders often impact because their leadership style meshes perfectly with their specific ministry context. In other words, different situations require different styles of leadership.

It is reasonable to note that discovering and developing your unique leadership styles is another way to leadership effectiveness.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of these different styles and discern which style or styles are unique to you.

Discovering your leadership styles will place you in the best position to discern your ministry context.

Bill Hybels outlines ten leadership styles in his book, Courageous Leadership.

1. The Visionary Leader

Visionary Leaders have a clear picture of what the future holds. They are able to cast vision and they have the faith and the enthusiasm to turn the vision into reality.

2. The Directional Leader

Directional Leaders have a God-given ability to choose the right path for an organization as it approaches a critical intersection. To put it another way, directional leaders have the ability to make good choices in difficult situations.

3. The Strategic Leader

Strategic Leaders are able to take the vision and break it down into a series of sequential and achievable steps. Strategic Leaders are able to form a game plan that everyone can understand and participate in. Moreover, they are able to implement the game and thus achieve the vision.

4. The Managing Leader

Managing Leaders are able to organize people, processes and resources to fulfill the vision. Managing Leaders are able to bring order of chaos and find satisfaction in organizing, monitoring and fine-tuning a process.

5. The Motivational Leader

Motivational Leaders have the ability to keep the team fired up. They move quickly to inspire those who are tiring and cheer progress, celebrate accomplishments and generally make people feel important and significant.

6. The Shepherding Leader

Shepherding Leaders form teams that create community through the nurture, support, understanding and prayer. It is not so much the cause that motivates the team but the deep sense of being part of the team. Some people need encouragement to be part of the mission of the team.

7. The Team-Building Leader

Team-building Leaders have the ability to find and develop the right people with the right abilities, character and chemistry in order to create a strong team. They fulfill the mission through the ministry of the team.

8. The Entrepreneurial Leader

Entrepreneurial Leaders are great for starting new ventures. Once the new venture is up and running, they tend to hand over leadership to others and start the process of looking for another new venture. Entrepreneurial Leaders like starting new ministries on a regular basis.

9. The Re-engineering Leader

Re-engineering Leaders thrive on the challenge of a a difficult situation. They like to turn things around. They love to patch up, tune up and tevitalize hurting ministries. Some of these leaders stay after fixing the situation but other have to find a new challenging situation.

10. The Bridge-Building Leader

Bridge-Building Leaders make important contributions to large ministries because they can bring together a wide range of constituent groups under a single leadership umbrella. These leaders are enormously flexible and possess strong ability to compromise and negotiate. They love the challenge of relating to diverse groups of people. They help each subgroup to develop a healthier perspective and to realize that their goals and those of the overall mission are compatible.

If you want more information about the Leadership Styles, click on the following link - Discovering The Leadership Styles.

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