Sitemap provides a brief summary of all the web pages and articles that you will find on this website –

Sitemap Articles
16 Sermons From Philippians | Preaching Sermons From Philippians
16 Sermons From Philippians with over 140 pages of preaching sermons. All the hard work is done! Full Manuscripts!
A Collection of Bible Sermons | Bible Sermons
A collection of Bible sermons provides snippets from sermons in order to help preachers get ideas to develop sermons for their congregations.
A Collection of Preaching Sermons That Work | Preaching Sermons That Work
A Collection of Preaching Sermons That Work are snippets from sermons from the book of Romans. These snippets may give you ideas for preparing sermons for your congregation.
A Collection of Sermons That Work | Sermons That Work
A Collection of Sermons That Work are snippetts from sermons that can be used to develop sermons for your congregation.
Adding Value To Teammates Is Invaluable | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Adding Value To Teammates Is Invaluable to leadership development in the Church. Team members love and admire someone who is able to help them move to another level, someone who enlarges them and empowers them to be successful.
Articles Directory | More Free Online Sermons
Articles Directory is a compilation of articles relative to Christianity – whether it be communicating Christianity or tenets of Christianity.
Becoming A Christian Leader | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Becoming a Christian Leader outlines the qualities and abilities of those people who have the potential to be Church leaders.
Being A Tough But Tender Leader | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Being a Tough but Tender Leader looks at the processes of dealing with conflict in churches. Most conflicts can be resolved simply by knowing when to be tough and when to be tender.
Believers Baptism | Believer’s Baptism Explained
Believer’s Baptism Explained gives an overview of what is believer’s baptism, why consider baptism, why baptism by immersion, what is the meaning of baptism and why be baptized?
Bible Sermons From 2 Timothy 1 | Bible Sermons
Bible Sermons From 2 Timothy 1 provide a deductive sermon from 2 Timothy 1:1-18. This sermon teaches that rekindling the spiritual fire within is important to keep the passion for God alive.
Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 | Bible Sermons
Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 provide a deductive sermon from Galatians 1:1-5. This sermon teaches that true freedom is found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Bible Sermons From Genesis 22 | Bible Sermons
Bible Sermons From Genesis 22 provide an inductive sermon from Genesis 22:1-19. This sermon challenges Christians to put God first in all things.
Bible Sermons From Luke 5 | Bible Sermons
Bible Sermons From Luke 5 provide an inductive sermon from Luke 5:1-11. This sermon follows the five stages of Lowry’s Loop.
Bible Sermons From Revelation 21 | Bible Sermons
Bible Sermons From Revelation 21 provide a deductive sermon from Revelation 21:1 – 22:5. This sermon explains the wonders of eternal heaven.
Building a Kingdom Dream Team | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Building a Kingdom Dream Team provides a clear criterion that will help leaders build a ministry team but also a clear criterion for the selection of specific team members.
Building a Team to Get the Job Done | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Building a Team to Get the Job Done looks at twenty-two principles for building a team to fulfil a desired outcome.
Christ-Centered Preaching | Bryan Chappell
Christ Centered Preaching is a book by Bryan Chappell that looks at the mechanics of creating biblical sermons.
Classic Christianity | By Bob George
Classic Christianity by Bob George shows the way back to the life Jesus provided when He set people free from the bondage of sin. Christians are new creations in Christ – new people led by the Holy Spirit
Collaborative Leadership Style | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Collaborative Leadership Style is about working together and adding value and synergy to the team. In other words, collaborative leaders style is about completing one another not competing with one another.
Create a Church Website With XSitePro | Create a Professional Church Website
Create a Church Website With XSitePro and your church will have a professional and an attractive website. XSitePro website creation software is easy to use and all inclusive.
Creating The Right Leadership Culture | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Creating The Right Leadership Culture explains the important role of the leader in creating, keeping and cultivating the corporate culture with churches and organisations.
Church Website Hosting | Christian Website Hosting
Church website hosting provides the best website hosting deals. Church website hosting is website hosting made easy.
Daily Bible Studies | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Studies is a collection of Christian Bible Studies from different books of the Bible. Daily Bible Studies are short devotional thoughts that are easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 1:1-18 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 1:1-18 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:1-7 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:1-7 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:8-13 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:8-13 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:14-19 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:14-19 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:20-26 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 2:20-26 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 3:1-9 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 3:1-9 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 3:10-17 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 3:10-17 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 4:1-5 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 4:1-5 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 4:6-8 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 4:6-8 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 4:9-22 | Christian Bible Studies
Daily Bible Study From 2 Timothy 4:9-22 provides a short devotional thought that is easy to read and apply to the Christian life.
Developing Emerging Leaders | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Developing Emerging Leaders requires a vision with a strategy that identifies emerging leaders, that invests in the development of emerging leaders and that entrusts responsibility to emerging leaders.
Developing Ministry Teams | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Developing Ministry Teams is quick summary of the principles of an effective team, the steps in team building and the examples of team leadership.
Developing Potential Leaders | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Developing Potential Leaders is a brief overview of the process of developing the right people for the right positions. Developing Potential Leaders is the highest call of leadership.
Different Types of Prayer | Types of Prayer
There are different types of prayer in the Bible. Not all prayers are the same so it is important to understand the different types of prayers.
Disclaimer | Disclosure
More Free Online Sermons provide a disclaimer and disclosure statement so that you understand your obligations when you purchase or download material from this website.
Discovering The Leadership Styles | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Discovering the Leadership Styles examines the biblical gift of leadership and how that gift of leadership is expressed in different ways.
Do Good People Go To Heaven | How To Get To Heaven
Do Good People Go To Heaven is a question asked by many people. However, a better question is how do people get to heaven.
Expository Sermon Outlines | How To Write Expository Sermon Outlines
Expository Sermon Outlines explain how to write expository sermon outlines with a structure that has sequence and flow.
Free Baptist Sermons | Baptist Sermons
Free Baptist Sermons are collection of baptist sermons. These Free Baptist Sermons are snippets from baptist sermons that can be used to gather ideas to develop baptist sermons for your congregation.
Free Bible Sermons | Bible Sermons
Free Bible sermons is a collection of sermons for preachers to get ideas to develop sermons for their congregations.
Free Communion Sermonettes | How To Write A Sermonette
Free Communion Sermonettes provide some communion sermonettes and explain how to write a sermonette.
Free Christmas Sermons | How To Write A Christmas Sermon
Free Christmas Sermons provide Christmas sermons and explain how to write a Christmas sermon.
Free Devotional Sermonettes | How To Write A Sermonette
Free Devotional Sermonettes provide some devotional sermonettes and explain how to write a sermonette.
Free Easter Sermon Outlines | How To Write An Easter Sermon Outlines
Free Easter Sermon Outlines is an outline of an Easter Sermon. One way to learn how to write an easter sermon outline is to check out how other people write their sermon outlines.
Free Easter Sermons | How To Write An Easter Sermon Free Easter Sermons provide Easter sermons and explain how to write an Easter sermon.
Free Expository Sermons | How To Write An Expository Sermon
Free Expository Sermons help you understand the structure of an expository sermon and how to write an expository sermon.
Free Evangelistic Sermons | How To Write An Evangelistic Sermon
Free Evangelistic Sermons help you understand the structure of an evangelistic sermon and how to write an evangelistic sermon.
Free Fathers Day Sermons | Free Father’s Day Sermon
Free Fathers Day Sermons provide a collection of thoughts in order to prepare sermons for Father’s Day.
Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians | Free Funeral Sermons
Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians is a resource for pastors and ministers to glean ideas and thoughts for preparing funeral services and funeral sermons.
Free Mothers Day Sermons | How To Write A Mother’s Day Sermon
Free Mother’s Day Sermons provide Mother’s Day sermons and explain how to write a Mother’s Day sermon.
Free Newsletter Sermonettes | Sermonettes and Mini-sermons
Free Newsletter Sermonettes provide some newsletter sermonettes or mini-sermons.
Free Online Sermons | Free Sermons
Free Online Sermons is a collection of free sermons from different passages of Scripture.
Free Sermonettes | How To Write A Sermonette Or Mini-Sermon
Free Sermonettes provide sermonettes and mini-sermons and explain how to write a sermonette, a mini-sermon or a short sermon.
Free Sermons For Children | Sermons For Children
Free sermons for children provides children sermons in order to encourage children to live for Jesus in a selfish world.
Free Sermons For Young People | Sermons For Young People
Free sermons for young people provides sermons in order to encourage young people to live for Jesus.
Free Sermons For Youth | Sermons For Youth
Free sermons for youth provides youth sermons in order to encourage youth to live for Jesus in a rebellious world.
Free Sermon Outlines | How To Write A Sermon Outline
Free sermon outlines provide sermon outlines and explain how to write sermon outlines with ease.
Free Sermon Illustrations | How To Write A Sermon Illustration
Free sermon illustrations provide sermon illustrations and explain how to write sermon illustrations to IMPACT your congregation.
Free Short Sermons | How To Write A Short Sermon
Free Short Sermons provide short sermons and explain how to write a short sermon.
Free Teaching Sermonettes | Sermonettes and Mini-sermons
Free Teaching Sermonettes provide some teaching sermonettes or mini-sermons.
Free Topical Sermons | How To Write A Topical Sermon
Free Topical Sermons provide sermon information on what is a topical sermon and how to write a topical sermon.
Free Wedding Messages | How To Write A Wedding Messag
Free Wedding Messages provide a wedding message and explain how to write a wedding message.
Free Wedding Sermons | How To Write A Wedding Sermon
Free Wedding Sermons provide some ideas for writing wedding sermons and explain how to write a wedding sermon.
Free 3 Point Sermon Outline | How To Write A Short Christian Sermon
Free 3 Point Sermon Outline follows the deductive method of sermon outlining.
Funeral Memorial Poems | Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
Funeral Memorial Poems is a collection of over two hundred and fifty poems, quotations and readings for funeral and memorial services.
Funeral Sermon Outline | How To Create A Funeral Sermon Outline
How to create a funeral sermon outline provides an example funeral sermon outline to help you be sensitive to the needs of the bereaved.
Google Adsense For Churches | How Does Google Adsense Work
Google Adsense For Churches help you to generate income from your church website.
Growing in Grace | By Bob George
Growing in Grace by Bob George will help you discover vibrant, life-embracing faith though the simple and timeless truth of God’s grace. As people who have been saved by grace and set free by grace, our next step is to grow in grace.
Hermeneutics | Biblical Hermeneutics
Hermeneutics is a set of principles that is used to determine the meaning of the biblical text under investigation. Understanding hermeneutics is paramount in developing a consistency in the interpretation of Scripture.
Holiness Is For You | The Pursuit of Holiness
Holiness is for You looks at why many Christians do not experience personal holiness in their daily walk with God and why many Christians feel constantly defeated in their struggle with sin.
Homiletics | How To Write A Sermon
Homiletics is the art of preaching. It involves how to prepare and deliver a sermon.
How Does Attitude Impact Leadership | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
How Does Attitude Impact Leadership? Attitudes have the potential to build up or tear down the success of teams and its leadership.
How To Be Happy In Marriage | Nurturing a Strong Marriage
How To Be Happy In Marriage is a brief overview of two Christian Books by Gary Smalley – If Only He Knew and For Better Or For Best.
How To Create A Church Website | Creating a Church Website
How To Create A Church Website provides two website creation software programs to assist you in creating a church website.
How To Create A Sermon Outline | Sermon Outlines
How To Create a Sermon Outline explains the ins and outs of writing a sermon outline so that your sermon has structure and flow when you preach it to your congregation.
How To Improve Yourself | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
How To Improve Yourself explains the processes and responsibilites of growing and maturing as a leader.
How To Outline A Sermon | Steps To Outline A Sermon
How To Outline a Sermon explains the fundamentals of sermon outlining and provides an example for others to follow.
How To Plan A Daily Quiet Time With God | Seven Minutes With God
How To Plan A Daily Quiet Time With God briefly summarises what you can do on a daily basis to recapture the intimacy of communion with Jesus Christ.
How To Preach Without Notes | Charles W Koller
How To Preach Without Notes by Charles W Koller is a book that looks at the mechanics for sermon preparation.
How To Prepare A Sermon | Preparing A Sermon
How To Prepare A Sermon provides the structure for preparing a sermon that is easy to follow and preach.
How To Prepare Bible Messages | by James Braga
How To Prepare Bible Messages by James Braga discusses three types of sermons and discusses the mechanics of sermon contruction.
How To Preach A Sermon | Preach A Sermon
How To Preach A Sermon looks at the basic tenants of preparing a sermon you can preach to your congregation.
How To Preach A Sermon | From Ephesians 4:1-6
How To Preach A Sermon From Ephesians 4:1-16 is a sermon outline that looks at walking together with the Lord.
How To Preach A Sermon | From Ephesians 5:1-7
How To Preach A Sermon From Ephesians 5:1-7 is a succinct sermon outline of these seven verse of Scripture which you could preach to people of God.
How To Preach A Sermon | From Ephesians 5:15-21
How To Preach A Sermon From Ephesians 5:15-21 is a brief sermon outline of this passage of Scripture which you could preach to your congregation.
How To Preach A Sermon | From Ephesians 5:22-6:9
How To Preach A Sermon From Ephesians 5:22-6:9 is a sermon that covers the topic of submission – submission in marriages, families, work places and society in general.
How To Prepare A Sermon Outline | How To Prepare Sermon Outlines
How To Prepare A Sermon Outline is a brief overview of how to prpare sermon outlines for your preaching sermons. Master the process of sermon outlining and you will save time preparing sermons!
How To Prepare A Sermon Series | The Sermon Series
How To Prepare a Sermon Series provides some ideas and examples to help you prepare a series of sermons on a select subject or topic.
How To Prepare Deductive Sermons | How To Prepare Sermons
How to prepare deductive sermons demonstrates the structure for writing deductive sermons. Once you understand the structure of deductive sermons, preparing sermons will become easier.
How To Prepare Inductive Sermons | How To Prepare Sermons
How to prepare deductive sermons demonstrates the structure for writing deductive sermons. Once you understand the structure of deductive sermons, preparing sermons will become easier.
How To Study The Bible Effectively | How To Study The Bible
How To Study The Bible Effectively explains the four processes for studying the Bible. Once you learn these processes, you will find bible study so much more interesting.
How To Study The Bible For Yourself | How To Study The Bible
How To Study The Bible For Yourself looks at the processes behind personal Bible study so that you can study the Bible more effectively.
How To Study The Bible For Beginners | How To Study The Bible
How To Study The Bible For Beginners looks at the four key areas of Bible study which will help the student of God’s word find truths and principles for life.
How To Write A Eulogy | The Final Tribute
How to write a eulogy provides some insights to help you write and deliver a touching and meaningful eulogy.
How To Write A Funeral Message | The Funeral Messages
How To Write a Funeral Message provides some ideas and resources to help you build a repertoire of funeral and memorial messages.
How To Write A Sermon | Writing A Sermon
How To Write A Sermon provides the structure for writing sermons that are powerful and dynamic.
How To Write A Sermon | Writing A Sermon
How To Write A Sermon provides the structure for writing sermons that are powerful and dynamic.
How To Write A Sermon Introduction | Sermon Introductions
How to write a sermon introduction provides several insights into writing a sermon introduction.
How To Write A Sermon Outline | Writing A Sermon Outline
How To Write A Sermon Outline provides the structure for writing sermon outlines that help you preach great sermons.
Identifying Potential Leaders | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Identifying Potential Leaders is a brief overview of the process of selecting the right people for the right positions. In other words, to identify potential leaders, you need to know what they look like.
Influencing Others by Understanding the Process | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Influencing Others by Understanding the Process is a brief overview of the model presented in the book, Becoming a Person of Influence by John Maxwell and Jim Dornan.
Justification and Sanctification | What is the Difference Between Justification and Sanctification
Justification and Sanctification provides a brief overview of what is the difference between Justification and Sanctification.
Leadership Ability Determines Leadership Effectiveness | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Leaders Ability Determines Leadership Effectiveness is a concept that John C. Maxwell develops in The Law of the Lid. In other words, to increase your effectiveness, you need to raise your level of leadership.
Living By The Book Hendricks | How To Study The Bible For Yourself
Living By The Book Hendricks looks at how to study the Bible for yourself. Howard G. Hendricks suggests that there are three processes you need to keep in mind when it comes to personal Bible study.
More Free Online Sermons | Writing Sermons And Writing Sermons Outlines
More free online sermons saves you time writing sermons and writing sermon outlines and provides sermon information relating to writing sermons and writing sermon outlines.
My Book Store | Books For Sale
At my book store, you can check out the books for sale and the book reviews for some of the better theological books on the market.

Old Fashion Preaching Outline | How To Create A Sermon Outline
The old fashion preaching outline usually follows the three-point sermon outline model.
Online Sermon For Busy Pastors
Free online sermons will give you the right resources and the right information to construct a topical sermon, an expository sermon, an evangelistic sermon, a funeral sermon, a Easter sermon, a Christmas sermon, and a wedding sermon.
Preaching Sermon Outlines | Topical Sermon Outlines
Preaching Sermon Outlines is a brief explanation of how to prepare sermon outlines that are easy to preach to your congregation.
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 1 | Preaching Sermons From Romans 1
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 1 is a sermon about sharing Jesus Christ with great enthusiasm. Talking about sharing Jesus Christ is not the same as actually sharing Jesus Christ with someone.
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 2 | Preaching Sermons From Romans 2
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 2 is a sermon about realizing the hypocrisy of religion. This sermon make the point that there are difference between religions. Moreover, these difference do have eternal consequences.
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 5 | Preaching Sermons From Romans 5
Preaching sermons that work from Romans 5 is a sermon about understanding the enormity of the gift of god. This sermon is an expository sermon of Romans 5:15-21. This sermon poinnts out that a gift can b e very special and it can leave a life-time impression.
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 8 | Preaching Sermons From Romans 8
Preaching sermons that work from Romans 8 is a sermon about declaring no condemnation in Christ. This sermon is an expository sermon of Romans 8:1-4. This sermon points out that God’s justice condemns us but His mercy redeems us.
Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 13 | Preaching Sermons From Romans 13
Preaching sermons that work from Romans 13 is a sermon about servicing the debt of love. This sermon is an expository sermon of Romans 13:8-10. This sermon points out the fact that we all need love. We all need to be loved. We all need to feel the acceptance and love of others.
Seven Minutes With God | How To Plan A Daily Quiet Time
Seven Minutes With God is a brief summary of how to plan a daily quiet time that recaptures the intimacy of communion with Jesus Christ in order to start the day with the blessings of God.
Sermons From Ephesians | Free Online Sermons
Sermons From Ephesians are a collection of succinct sermons from the book of Ephesians. These sermons will give you valuable information in order to help you write sermons for your congregation.
Sermons From Romans | Free Online Sermon
Sermons From Romans are a collection of sermons from the book of Romans in the Bible. Sermons From Romans are provided to help you prepare sermons for your congregation.
Sermons From the Book of Philippians | Sermons From Philippians
Sermons from the Book of Philippians provides sixteen full manuscript sermons from the book of Philippians.
Sermons on 2 Timothy | Free Online Sermons
Sermons on 2 Timothy are a collection of sermons from Paul’s letter to his young protege. Sermons on 2 Timothy are brief and to the point with a short introduction, a succinct outline of the body of the sermon and a brief conclusion.
Sermons on 2 Timothy 1 | Free Online Sermons
Sermons on 2 Timothy 1 is a snippet from a sermon on a passage of Scripture from 2 Timothy 1:1-18. The main preaching point of this sermon is: Rekindling The Spiritual Fire Within.
Sermons on 2 Timothy 2 | Free Online Sermons
Sermons on 2 Timothy 2 are sermons about encouragement. We all need love and encouragement as inspiration to serve God faithfully in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sermons on Faith | Sermons on Faith in Jesus
Sermons on Faith look at the topical of faith in Jesus Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Sermons on Grace | Sermons on the Grace of God
Sermons on Grace is a topical sermon that looks at the Grace of God. It asks a very important question: Is the Grace of God Sufficient? Is the Grace of God sufficient to save me from my sin?
Sermons on Prayer | Different Types of Prayer
Sermons on Prayer look at the different types of prayer – adoration, confession, thankfulness and supplications. This sermon looks at prayer from a different perspective – prayer as change!
Sermons on Repentance | Turning From Sin To Faith in Jesus
Sermons on Repentance look at the forgotten message of repentance. Biblical repentance is turning from sin to faith in Jesus Christ as the way, the truth and the life.
Sermons on the Last Days | Sermons That Work
Sermons on the Last Days expand and explain a passage of Scripture from 2 Timothy 3:1-9, which looks at the changing nature of our world.
Sermon Outlines From the Book of Philippians | Sermon Outlines From Philippians
Sermons from the Book of Philippians provides sixteen comprehensive sermon outlines from the book of Philippians.
Sermon Preparation Tips | Sermon Preparation
Sermon Preparation Tips will help you prepare sermons that work. That is, sermons that you can preach to your congregation that have sequence and flow.
Sermons Sermons Sermons | An Online Christian Sermon Resources Website
Sermons Sermons Sermons is an online Christian Sermon Resources Website.
Sermons That Works From 1 Kings 19 | Conquering Discouragement
Sermons That Work From 1 Kings 19 is a sermon about conquering discouragement. This is a topical sermon that deals with discouragement.
Sermons That Works From Hebrews 12 | Sermons That Work
Sermons That Work From Hebrews 12 is a sermon about Running the Race of Life Faithfully. This is an expository sermon from Hebrews 12.
Sermons That Works From James 1 | Sermons That Work
Sermons that works from James 1 is a sermon about resisting deadly temptation. This expository sermon from James 1:13-18 will help you resist deadly temptation.
Sermons That Works From Luke 3 | Sermons That Work
Sermons that work from Luke 3 is a sermon about listening to the voice of God. Listening to the Voice of God is an expository sermon from Luke 3:1-20.
Short Christian Sermons | How To Write A Short Christian Sermon
Short Christian Sermons provide short Christian sermons and explain how to write a short Christian sermon for special occasions.
Site-Map | Site-Map Details
Site-Map provides a brief summary of the web pages and articles on
Spiritual Warfare | What is Spiritual Warfare?
What is spiritual warfare? The Bible tells us that we are in a spiritual battle. The devil seeks to devour us, the world seek to engulf us and the old sinful nature seeks to enslave us. However, when we take up and put on the armor of God, we will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil, the subtleties of the world and the desires of the old sinful nature. Now that’s spiritual warfare!
Spiritual Warfare Sermons | What is Spiritual Warfare?
Spiritual Warfare Sermons look at what is spiritual warfare. That is, spiritual warfare is the spiritual battles Christians face each day. After all, the devil seeks to devour us, the world seeks to engulf us and the old sinful nature seeks to enslave us.
Teaching To Change Lives | by Howard Hendricks
Teaching to change lives by Howard Hendricks provides seven proven ways to make your teaching come alive. Catch Dr. Hendricks enthusiasm and learn from his rich experience.
The Definition of Justification | What is the Definition of Justification
The Definition of Justification provides a brief overview of the biblical meaning of justification.
The Hermeneutical Maze | Hermeneutics
The Hermeneutical Maze is a search for simplicity in procedure and pedagogy when it comes to the interpretive process of formulating biblical doctrine.
The Holiness of God | The Pursuit of Holiness
The Holiness of God is the basis on which God called us to be holy. “Be Holy because I am Holy” (1 Peter 1:16).
The Homiletical Plot | Eugene Lowry
The Homiletical Plot by Eugene Lowry is a methodology for preparing inductive sermons or sermons as narrative art form.
The Law of Empowerment | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
The Law of Empowerment looks at the attitude of leaders who are able to give power to others. In fact, it is only secure leaders who are able to power to others.
The Law of the Big Picture | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
The Law of the Big Picture states that the goal is more important than the role. In other words, if the team is to reach its potential, each member must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team.
The Law of Influence | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
The Law of Influence dispels the misconceptions of leadership and explains the true measure of leadership. The true measure of leadership is influence-nothing more, nothing less.
The Pursuit of Holiness | Bible Study
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges is a stirring book on the need to pursue holiness in the Christian life. This compelling book will encourage Christians to practical holiness with God.
The Pursuit of Holiness | Jerry Bridges
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges is an inspiring book that looks at holiness which is a tremendous challenge and an awesome reminder of God’s desire for His children to walk in light of His word.
The Seven Deadly Sins | What are the Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins are a list of sins including: Pride, Anger, Envy, Impurity, Gluttony, slothfulness and Avarice.
The Stakes of Leadership | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
The Stakes of Leadership is an article that looks at the importance of leadership in the local church. After all, the local church is the hope of the world.
There is No I in Team | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
There is No I in Team looks at how to be a selfless leader who puts his team ahead of himself.
Topical Sermon Outlines | Topical Sermons
Topical Sermon Outlines explain how to create sermon outlines so that you can preach topical sermons to your congregation.
Two Free Funeral Sermons | Free Funeral Sermons
Two free funeral sermons is a resource provided to help ministers write and prepare funeral sermons and services.
Web Builders For Churches | Website Builders
Web Builders For Churches provide different website builders for creating a church website.
Web Design For Churches | How To Design Your Church Website
Web Design For Churches provide some important principles to keep in mind when designing your church website.
Web Hosting For Churches | Affordable Website Hosting Options
Web Hosting For Churches provide a number of affordable website hosting options.
Web Keywords For Churches | How To Identify The Best Keywords
Web Keywords For Churches help you identify the best keywords for your church website.
Web Pages For Churches | How To Design Great Website Pages
Web Pages For Churches help you create great website pages by providing some incredible design tips.
What is Mentoring? | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
What is Mentoring looks at the definition of mentoring, the different approaches to mentoring, the difference between mentoring and discipleship and what mentors do.
What’s New | More Free Online Sermons
What’s New provides information relating to new posts on this website.
What is the Unforgivable Sin | The Unforgivable Sin
The question is often asked: “What is the Unforgivable Sin?” Many people worry that they have committed the unforgivable sin. So what is the unforgivable sin?
What Leaders Do | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
What Leaders Do is a brief explanation of the six primary areas of activity associated with Christian leadership in the Church. Developing Skills for Church Leadership is associated with knowing these six primary areas of activity.
Who Is Your Toughest Leadership Challenge | Developing Skills For Church Leadership
Who Is Your Toughest Leadership Challenge examines The Art of Self-Leadership. The most overlooked area of leadership is this area of self-leadership. After all, the toughest management challenge is always yourself.
Why Believer’s Baptism | Believer’s Baptism
Why Believer’s Baptism explains the significance of believer’s baptism in the Christian Church. Why Believer’s Baptism also takes a closer look at what is believer’s baptism.
Writing A Funeral Sermon | How To Write A Funeral Sermon
Writing a funeral sermon requires structure and sensitivity. How to write a funeral sermon will help you structure the funeral sermon so that you will be sensitive to the needs of the bereaved.