Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians: As a minister of religion, you can expect to be asked to officiate at funeral services and memorial services. You can also presume that many of those funeral services and memorial services will be unexpected. Furthermore, you can assume that a proportion of those funeral services and memorial services will be for non-Christians.

Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians
As a minister of religion, you have a weekly engagement whereby you preach to your congregation. You generally have a week to prepare; however, when it comes to funeral services and memorial services, time is limited because funerals are usually unexpected.
Sometimes, you will only have one or two days to prepare. If you know the deceased person, preparation can be relatively easy. However, if you don’t know the deceased, then you will need to work quickly to organize yourself and the funeral service.
Funeral Sermons
This is where funeral service resources will be advantageous in your preparation and the preparation of the funeral service or memorial service.
Soon as I have been asked to take a funeral service or memorial service, I usually organize a visit with the family in order to get them to fill out a Funeral Details Form. This form gathers information about the deceased person and family that will help me put together a funeral service and a funeral message.
I find this form to be very strategic in the process of formulating a funeral service and a funeral message. Over the years I have tweaked this form so that I can have the right information at my fingertips when I begin the process of putting together the funeral service and funeral sermon.
I have accumulated numerous resources so that I can put together funeral services and funeral sermons very quickly. One resource that has been very important is the collection of funeral sermons or funeral sermon outlines. These funeral sermons and funeral sermon outlines have helped me glean ideas and thoughts in putting together funeral services and funeral sermons.
I have never used someone’s funeral sermon verbatim; however, I have gleaned ideas and thoughts from them. We are unique people with unique styles, presentations and personalities. To preach someone’s funeral sermon word for word is almost impossible.
Therefore, you need to put together a collection of funeral resources that is helpful to you in your preparation for funeral services and funeral messages. Below are some resources that I have found helpful in preparing funeral services and funeral sermons.
Free Funeral Sermons
I have made available two free funeral sermons – one funeral sermon is written for a Christian and one funeral sermon is written for a non-Christian.
I had a non-Christian family ask me to take their mother’s funeral. They requested that I use their mother’s favorite poem as part of the funeral message. I accepted their request.
You can read this funeral sermon and check out the strengths and weaknesses in presentation and format. You may glean some ideas from this funeral sermon that will help you in your presentation and format of your next funeral service.
The Christian Funeral Sermon was for a member of my church. He wanted the people who attended his funeral to be reminded of their eternal destiny. He wanted me to challenge them about where they will go when their time on earth was over. You can read this funeral sermon and check out the strengths and weaknesses in presentation and format.
You can download free funeral sermons for non-Christians and Christians by clicking on the following link – Free Funeral Sermons.
Funeral Sermon Outlines
Another resource is Funeral Sermon Outlines. These funeral sermon outlines will help you glean ideas and thoughts for funeral services and funeral sermons.
There are other resources included in funeral sermon outlines like funeral notes and how to plan a funeral service.
You can download these funeral resources by clicking on Funeral Sermon Outlines.

Funeral Memorial Poems
Funeral Memorial Poems is a resource that will help you write a tribute, eulogy or a message. Because funerals are reflective, there are several segments within a funeral service whereby you can give a tribute, eulogy, reading or short message.
You can help family, friends and mourners say goodbye to their loved one in these segments and you can help them begin the healing process in their lives. Also, you will help them express their grief and sorrow.
Funeral Memorial Poems is a collection of poems, quotations and readings which will help you plan funeral services and memorial services. Sometimes a poem, quotation or reading can express exactly what you want to say to grieving families.
How To Write A Great Eulogy
How To Easily Write and Deliver a Great Eulogy in 6 Simple Steps is a guide that will help you write a touching eulogy so that you can deliver it with absolute confidence.
A well-crafted and confidently delivered eulogy will make all the difference at a funeral service. This guide will help you every step of the way so that you will write a touching, memorable and meaningful eulogy
You can download this funeral resource by clicking on the following link – How To Write And Deliver A Great Eulogy.
The Minister’s Funeral Handbook
There are several handbooks to choose from! One book by Robert Blair is a great resource for ministers. It is only a short book of one hundred and thirty-six pages (136). However, it has numerous helpful hints for ministers who officiate at funeral services on a regular basis.
In the first part of the book, you will be able to read about how to prepare yourself and how to prepare for funeral services. It includes grave-side services and alternative services. You will get sample eulogies and messages. You will get helpful information regarding terminal illness and pre-death situations.
In the second part of the book, you will be able to check out some the resources for funeral messages, such as: Scriptures by subject, poems, hymns and committal services.
You can download this product by clicking on The Minister’s Funeral Handbook.