Classic Christianity by Bob George provides a challenge for believers to return to Biblical Christianity.

Classic Christianity by Bob George
Bob George answers some vital questions like: What does it mean to have Christ living in you? How can you experience the joy of the Lord daily? If you are a new creation, why do you still struggle with sin?
Classic Christianity by Bob George explores why some Christians are busy serving God but ultimately barren inside. The following extract from Classic Christianity explains:
“As I talk with Christians all over the country, I hear them asking ‘What’s wrong?’ Many of them are doing all the ‘right things,’ just as I did. Yet they feel like they’re racing madly on a spiritual treadmill. They’re highly active, but going nowhere.”
“Many go from seminar to seminar, tape series to tape series, book to book, desperately trying to find the missing link that will make the Christian life really work for them.”
“Our generation has more Christian learning resources available than any generation in history. But I have to ask: Are we really better off? Are we more joyful? Are we more faithful? Do we have a deeper experience of God and His love?” (pp. 16-17).
Christianity – a Relationship
The point that Bob George makes in chapter one – Busy and Barren – is that many Christians often substitute Christian service for Christ. In other words, Christianity becomes a job rather than a relationship with Christ. We base our Christianity on performance rather than intimacy with Christ and this has detrimental results for the Christian.
Classic Christianity – Bob George
Bob George fell into the same trap thinking that his performance for Christ was what mattered rather than his relationship with Christ. He had to learn some truths that brought him back to Biblical Christianity.
He writes: Today, several years later, I can tell you that God is more real to me than I ever dreamed possible. I now enjoy genuine freedom through understanding who I am in Christ. My relationship with God is now even more exciting than when it first began in 1969. Ironically, I’m probably just as busy, or busier, than I was before. But the work of the ministry is no longer a burden; it’s a joy! I’m no longer trying to change the world or anything else. I am content to let God work through me to produce whatever results He pleases. In this book, I’m going to share with you what I learned” (p. 25).
You can purchase this book by clicking on the following link – Classic Christianity by Bob George.
Christianity – Knowing the Truth
In chapter two, Bob George looks at “The Truth About Error.” He writes: “If Christians are not stooped in truth, they become gullible and vulnerable to all sorts of error” (p. 35).
Bob states that “Satan will use any approach to keep us from experiencing the full measure of God’s riches. Any error, no matter how small or great, will do. He works through the current world philosophies, through Bible verses taken out of context, through charismatic personalities who ‘sound’ so right and sincere. No method is overlooked in Satan’s attempt to mislead the chosen of God” (p. 36).
Bob urges Christians to humbly and dependently allow the Spirit to teach them so that they will know the truth. When Christians are so busy doing things that they cannot hear what the Spirit is saying, then they become candidates for falling into error (p. 39).
In chapter three, Bob looks at “Man Alive.” He states that “from God’s point of view, the problem of a man is not just that he is a sinner in need of forgiveness; his greater problem is that he is dead and in need of life” (p. 46).
The main point that Bob George implies here is that the Christian life is about Christ living in us. It is the process of passing from death to life (p. 54).

Christianity – Experiencing the Truth
In chapter four we discover that to be forgiven means to be filled.
Forgiveness is a part of our Christian experience but it is much more than that – Christ comes to live within us through the indwelling Holy Spirit.
In chapter five, Bob puts the pieces together so that the Christian can have a biblical understanding of the Christian experience.
We may have bits and pieces of the puzzle but it not until we put it all together that we see the big picture of Christ dwelling in us.
In chapter 6, we explore our identity in Christ – Toward a Proper Self-image.
This is a chapter that all Christians need to read and ponder – with whom are we identified – with Adam or with Christ?
As Bob puts it: “When you stepped out of Adam into Christ, Christ stepped out of heaven into you and made you into a new creature. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Having the right self image will help us deal with the issues of life.
Christianity – Love and Acceptance
In chapter seven, we explore the concept of love and acceptance. We all know that God loves us but do we equally know that God accepts us.
Unknowingly we can often base God’s acceptance of us on our performance as Christians. Only Christianity, pure and undiluted, speaks of a loving and accepting God who reached down to man to offer forgiveness and life (p. 104). Remember God’s love and acceptance is unconditional!
In chapter eight we are introduced to the topic of “The Great Exchange”.
“You will never have a changed life until you experience the exchanged life” (p. 109).
“Christians are continually trying to change their lives; but God calls us to experience the exchanged life. Christianity is not a self-improvement program. It isn’t a reformation project. It is resurrection! It is new life! And it is expressed in terms of a total exchange of identity. Jesus Christ identified Himself with us in our death in order that we might be identified with Him in His resurrection. We give Christ all that we were – spiritually dead, guilty sinners – and Christ gives us all that He is – resurrected life, forgiveness, rightousness, acceptance” (p, 109).
You can purchase this book by clicking on the following link – Classic Christianity by Bob George.
Some Concluding Comments
There are thirteen chapters of refreshing content in relation to Biblical Christianity. Bob George encourages Christians to seek the newness of life that Jesus provides. Life is too short to miss the real thing when it comes to Christianity.
Books by Bob George
Growing in Grace is another excellent book by Bob George. Bob discusses the nature of grace in your walk with the Lord. As Bob said, “If your only experience of God’s grace is salvation, you’re missing half of the good news. The other half is just as inspiring. Jesus wants you to experience his grace every day as He lives his life through you.”