Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 provides a deductive sermon from Galatians 1:1-5. This sermon teaches that true freedom is found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1
Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 presents a deductive sermon from Galatians 1:1-5 which reinforces the fact that true freedom is found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
INTRODUCTION: Freedom is the cry of the WESTERN WORLD—we want to be free. The WESTERN WORLD champions the cause of freedom. In fact, our society is obsessed with freedom. But are we really free?
Sometimes, I wonder just how free we are. When I survey our society, I don’t necessarily see freedom. In fact, I see the opposite—I see enslavement. I see enslavement to debt. For example: it seems that the mobile phone industry has created a groundswell of debt for our young people. Some of our young people will be bankrupt before they even get their first job. Is that freedom? I see enslavement to pleasure. Our society is preoccupied with pleasure. We will do almost anything to feel good or enjoy ourselves.
Of course, this often involves alcohol and drugs. And yet, these things will enslave many. For example: It seems that many young people will be addicted to alcohol and cigarettes before they are legally old enough to buy them. I’ve got to ask myself, is that freedom?
What about enslavement to the multimedia industry? In some ways, I think this is the scariest of them all. What do I mean by the multimedia industry? I’m referring to TV, the VCR and the Internet. These technologies are enslaving millions of people to promiscuity, profanity, and pornography. So much so that a recent survey by Focus on the Family showed that 18 percent of churchgoers admitted to having an addiction to pornography! Is that freedom? Is that freedom when we are enslaved to excessive debt, to pleasure and to the multimedia industry with all its sinful trappings?
Let’s face it. Freedom that leads to enslavement is not freedom at all. That’s not freedom. Freedom is when we can say no to excessive debt, when we can say no to alcohol and cigarettes, and when we can say no to promiscuity, profanity, pornography and any other sinful habit we find ourselves in.
True freedom enables us to stand against the sinful trappings of this world. As Charles Kingsley said, “There are two freedoms: the false where a man is free to do what he likes; and the true where a man is free to do what he ought.” That’s the freedom I want to talk about today—true freedom—freedom that enables us to say no to the sinful trappings of this world. I believe this freedom can only be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. In other words, it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that sets us free from the excesses of this sinful world.
Why? Why is the gospel able to set us free? Why is freedom found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ? Well, I believe the apostle Paul answers these questions in verses 1 to 5.
There are three reasons why we can find freedom in the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are:
1. The gospel points us to a deliverer (1:4a)
The gospel points us to a person who can rescue us from the sinful trappings of this world.
Look at the beginning of verse 4, it says, “Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age…”
The Good News Bible puts it this way, “In order to set us free from this present evil age, Christ gave Himself for our sins…”
We have a deliverer. We have someone who is able to rescue us from the sinful trappings of this world. His name is Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
He opens his eyes but all he could see was darkness—pitch-black darkness. His heart begins to race faster and faster as he cries out for help, but it seems that no one hears him.
As he lies there, he realizes that this may be the end of the road. Stewart Diver was trapped under the rubble at Trebo. There was no way he could rescue himself. He could barely move under all that rubble. He was trapped. He was helpless.
But a rescue worker hears a noise. He calls out for silence. Then he shouts out in a loud voice, “Is anyone there? Is anyone there?” Stewart hears him and calls back, “I can hear you. I can hear you.”
The reason Stewart Diver was rescued was because he had a rescuer. He couldn’t rescue himself. He had to simply trust his rescuers to save him. In the same way, we have a rescuer, we have a deliverer and His name is Jesus Christ. Are you willing to trust Him to rescue you from the sinful trappings of this world?
2. The gospel points to a deliverance (1:4b)
Look at verse four (4) again. It says, “Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins, [for what purpose] that He might deliver us from this present sinful age.”
As one writer said, “Jesus Christ paid the price that He might achieve a purpose, and that purpose is delivering sinners from the bondage of sin.
You know, the gospel is about setting sinners free…and giving them the power to say no to the sinful trappings of this world.
As the apostle Paul said to the church at Colossae, “God has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son” (Col. 1:13)!
Jesus is in the business of setting people free from sins. Whatever it is, He can set you free. Will you trust the deliverer to deliver you from the sinful trappings of this world? Will you trust Him to give you the power to say no to those sins that so easy entangles you? “Freedom is what we have—Christ has set us free! Stand, then, as free people, and do not allow yourselves to become slaves again.”
3. The gospel points to a divine plan (1:4c)
Look at verse 4 again. It says, “Jesus Christ gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.”
The gospel of Jesus Christ is God’s divine plan to rescue sinners from the bondage of sin.
It’s not Paul’s plan. It’s not my plan. It’s God’s divine plan.
CONCLUSION: There are a lot of self-helps in the world today but those self-helps cannot change your heart. They cannot give you power to overcome the evil trappings of this world. Only God’s divine plan can do that. Don’t be fooled by the freedom that the Western World promotes. That freedom will only lead to enslavement. True freedom is only found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
These Free Bible Sermons were compiled by Rev. D. Blackburn BA GDM.