A 3 point sermon is all about structuring the sermon with 3 basic points and these three points guide the preacher and the audience through the theme … [Read More...] about How To Write A 3 Point Sermon?
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Free Baptist Sermons
Free Baptist Sermons are a collection of baptist sermons written by a baptist minister. These free baptist sermons are snippets from baptist sermons that can be used to gather ideas to develop baptist … [Read More...] about Free Baptist Sermons

Figures of Speech in Psalms
Hebrew poetry is a unique type of language that uses colorful expressions known as figures of speech to bring tenderness, richness, vividness and energy to biblical poetry. The figures of speech in … [Read More...] about Figures of Speech in Psalms

How To Write A Sermon Outline
How to write a sermon outline provides a structure for writing sermon outlines that help you preach great sermons. How To Write A Sermon Outline! Why learn how to write a sermon outline? Well, there are two reasons why you need to write … [Read More...] about How To Write A Sermon Outline

More Spiritual Warfare Sermons
Spiritual Warfare Sermons look at what is spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is the spiritual battles Christians face each day. After all, the devil seeks to devour us, the world seeks to engulf us and the old sinful nature seeks to enslave … [Read More...] about More Spiritual Warfare Sermons

How To Write A Funeral Message
How To Write a Funeral Message provides some ideas and resources to help you build a repertoire of funeral and memorial messages. How To Write Funeral Messages! As obvious as this may sound, we need to remember that funerals are for the … [Read More...] about How To Write A Funeral Message

Free Sermon Outlines
Free sermon outlines is a collection of sermon outlines and an explanation of how to write a sermon outline. How To Write A Sermon Outline What's the big deal about writing sermon outlines? A sermon outline is road map that you follow … [Read More...] about Free Sermon Outlines

Free Sermons For Young People
Free sermons for youth people is a collection of sermons to help young people consider the importance of following Jesus as the way, the truth and the life. Free Sermons For Young People Free sermons for young people are two sermons … [Read More...] about Free Sermons For Young People

Free Sermons For Youth
Free sermons for youth is a collection of two sermons that will help young people to live for Jesus in a rebellious world. Free Sermons For Youth Free sermons for youth is a collection of two sermons to help young people see the need for … [Read More...] about Free Sermons For Youth

Free Sermons For Children
Free sermons for children is a biblical message for children. This free sermon was shared at a Christian school in order to encourage students and teachers in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Free Sermons For Children This free sermon … [Read More...] about Free Sermons For Children

Bible Sermons From Genesis 22
Free Bible Sermons From Genesis 22 provide an inductive sermon from Genesis 22:1-19. This free Bible sermon will challenge every Christian to put God first in all things. Free Bible Sermons From Genesis 22 Free Bible Sermons From Genesis 22 … [Read More...] about Bible Sermons From Genesis 22

Do Good People Go To Heaven
Do Good People Go To Heaven is a question asked by many people. I think a better question would be: "how do people get to heaven?" Do Good People Go To Heaven? A radio Bible program asked its listeners to respond to this following question: … [Read More...] about Do Good People Go To Heaven

Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 13
Preaching sermons that work require a clear outline that enables preachers to present their message with clarity and simplicity. Preaching sermons that work from Romans 13 is a sermon about servicing the debt of love. This sermon is an expository … [Read More...] about Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 13

Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 2
Preaching sermons that work usually have a good outline structure that conveys the message to the audience with a natural flow of information. You will find that this sermon from Romans 2 has a simple outline structure that conveys the message in a … [Read More...] about Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 2

How To Prepare Bible Messages
It's not easy preparing Bible messages from week to week. It requires knowledge and skill. How To Prepare Bible Messages, by James Braga is a book that provides the practical knowledge for preachers to learn the skill of preparing Bible … [Read More...] about How To Prepare Bible Messages

How to Study the Bible For Yourself
More and more people are studying the Bible for themselves. God's word encourages people to take time studying the Bible. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 … [Read More...] about How to Study the Bible For Yourself

More Free Wedding Sermons
More Free Wedding Sermons provide some inspiration and ideas for writing short wedding sermons. These examples are two messages that I have used in different formats to encourage the groom and bride on their wedding day. How To Write a … [Read More...] about More Free Wedding Sermons

Free Bible Sermons From 2 Timothy 2
More free Bible sermons from 2 Timothy 2 are sermons about love and encouragement. We all need love, encouragement and inspiration so that we can live for God and serve him faithfully in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. More Free … [Read More...] about Free Bible Sermons From 2 Timothy 2

Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1
Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 provides a deductive sermon from Galatians 1:1-5. This sermon teaches that true freedom is found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1 … [Read More...] about Free Bible Sermons From Galatians 1

What is An Expository Sermon?
Expository sermons are constructed from a thorough investigation of a text or texts of Scripture. To put it another way, expository sermons simply explain the Scriptures or a passage of Scripture verse by verse. What are Expository … [Read More...] about What is An Expository Sermon?

Free Spiritual Warfare Sermons
What is spiritual warfare? The Bible tells us that we are in a spiritual battle. The devil seeks to devour us, the world seek to engulf us and the old sinful nature seeks to enslave us. When we take up and put on the armor of God, we will be able … [Read More...] about Free Spiritual Warfare Sermons

Expository Sermon Outlines
When it comes to writing sermons, there are generally four different types - expository, textual, topical and narrative sermon outlines. I will discuss expository sermon outlines by explaining four simply steps one can use in developing expository … [Read More...] about Expository Sermon Outlines

Free Bible Sermons From Revelation 21
These free Bible Sermons from Revelation 21 and other Scriptural passages are examples that provide ideas for writing sermons. These free Bible sermons follow a deductive or an inductive method of sermon preparation. Free Bible Sermons From … [Read More...] about Free Bible Sermons From Revelation 21

Free Bible Sermons From Luke 5
These free Bible Sermons from Luke 5 and other Scriptural passages are examples that provide ideas for writing sermons. These free Bible sermons follow a deductive or an inductive method of sermon preparation. Free Bible Sermons From Luke … [Read More...] about Free Bible Sermons From Luke 5

5 Sermon Preparation Tips
It's not easy writing biblical sermons from week to week for your congregation. These 5 sermon preparation tips will help you prepare sermons that work with structure, sequence and natural flow. The 5 sermon preparation tips are: 1) all sermons … [Read More...] about 5 Sermon Preparation Tips

Free Bible Sermons From 2 Timothy 1
These free Bible Sermons from 2 Timothy 1 and other Scriptural passages are examples that provide ideas for writing sermons. These free Bible sermons follow a deductive method or an inductive method of sermon preparation. Bible Sermons From 2 … [Read More...] about Free Bible Sermons From 2 Timothy 1

Free Easter Sermon Outlines
One of the great symbols of Easter is the cross. The symbol of the cross tells us that Jesus died for our sins in order to bring us to God. This is the Easter message. Jesus Christ has reconciled us to God through His death, burial, and resurrection. … [Read More...] about Free Easter Sermon Outlines

Free Easter Sermons
The Easter weekend is a special weekend for Christians who believed that Jesus Christ died for our sins (Good Friday) and he rose from the tomb on the third day for our justification and sanctification for all those who believe that Jesus is the way, … [Read More...] about Free Easter Sermons

More Free Christmas Sermons
Christmas is a time to reflect upon the significance of the events that took place over two thousand years. "For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11). More Free Christmas Sermons provides … [Read More...] about More Free Christmas Sermons

Free Christmas Sermons
The Christmas sermon primarily focuses on the Christmas story - a story about Jesus Christ coming to this earth in order to fulfil God's purpose for redemption. "Hark! the herald-angels sing, glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy … [Read More...] about Free Christmas Sermons

Free Mother’s Day Sermons
Mother's Day is a special day for appreciating mothers and we can do that by honoring them on Mother's Day with an encouraging message for the whole family. Free Mother's Day Sermons provides a brief history of Mother's Day with a free sermon that … [Read More...] about Free Mother’s Day Sermons

Free Wedding Messages
It is a great privilege to be able to officiate a wedding of two young people who want to commit their lives to each other in a biblical marriage. This article "Free Wedding Messages" is an example of a wedding message that simply explains a … [Read More...] about Free Wedding Messages

How To Prepare Inductive Sermons
This article, how to prepare inductive sermons, provides some tips for writing inductive sermons. The inductive sermons paradigm is generally used to organise biblical narratives for preaching. How to Prepare Inductive Sermons? When you … [Read More...] about How To Prepare Inductive Sermons

How To Prepare Deductive Sermons
When it comes to sermon writing, there are only three ways to prepare a sermon. You either prepare the sermon deductively, inductively or a bit of both. How to prepare deductive sermons demonstrates the structure for writing deductive sermons. … [Read More...] about How To Prepare Deductive Sermons

How To Create A Sermon Outline
After writing sermon outline for many years, you develop and refine your method of preparation. Hopefully, the information below will give you some ideas for preparing sermon outlines. How To Create a Sermon Outline explains the ins and outs of … [Read More...] about How To Create A Sermon Outline

Preaching Sermon Outlines
I have been preparing sermons for over thirty years or so and I have found that preaching sermon outlines are imperative for longevity in ministry. To able to put ready to preach sermon outlines together each week is paramount to ministry … [Read More...] about Preaching Sermon Outlines

Sermons on the Last Days
Sermons on the Last Days expand and explain a passage of Scripture from 2 Timothy 3:1-9, which looks at the changing nature of our world. Sermons on the Last Days! Many people are feeling the tensions of a changing world and are wondering, … [Read More...] about Sermons on the Last Days

Short Sermons on Prayer
Short sermons on prayer are very helpful. They help us get ideas for writing sermons on prayer. This short sermon on prayer notes the four types of prayer - adoration, confession, thankfulness and supplication. Furthermore, this short sermon on … [Read More...] about Short Sermons on Prayer

What are the Different Types of Prayer?
There are different types of prayer in the Bible. Not all prayers are the same so it is important to understand the different types of prayers. There are 4 different types of prayer that follow the acronym ACTS: 1) Adoration, 2) Confession, 3) … [Read More...] about What are the Different Types of Prayer?

What are the Seven Deadly Sins?
What is sin? Sin is the transgression of God's law (1 John 3:4 KJV). Why is sin so deadly? The Bible tells us that "the wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23a). In other words, sin has deadly consequences. The seven deadly sins were compiled by Pope … [Read More...] about What are the Seven Deadly Sins?

How To Write A Eulogy
A eulogy is a speech delivered by a family member or a close family friend in praise of a person who has recently passed away. Eulogies are usually given as part of a funeral service. There are five helpful hints on how to write a eulogy: 1) … [Read More...] about How To Write A Eulogy

Two Free Funeral Sermons
Writing a funeral sermon or planning a funeral service is never easy. Death is never an easy subject to deal with especially if it relates to non-believers or young people. Two free funeral sermons are full manuscripts of two funeral services. … [Read More...] about Two Free Funeral Sermons

The Pursuit of Holiness
The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges is an inspiring book that looks at holiness which is a tremendous challenge and an awesome reminder of God's desire for His children to walk in light of His word. The Pursuit of Holiness If you want … [Read More...] about The Pursuit of Holiness

Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 1
Preaching sermons that work from Romans 1 is a sermon about sharing Jesus Christ with great enthusiasm. Talking about sharing Jesus Christ is not the same as actually sharing Jesus Christ with someone. Preaching Sermons That Work … [Read More...] about Preaching Sermons That Work From Romans 1

Free Father’s Day Sermons
Free father's day sermons provides a collection of thoughts in order to prepare a father's day message for a church congregation. This is a topical sermon from 2 Timothy 2:20-26. Free Father's Day Sermons One of the many … [Read More...] about Free Father’s Day Sermons

Sermons That Work From James 1
Sermons that work from James 1 is a sermon about Resisting Deadly Temptation. This expository sermon from James 1:13-18 will help you understand that temptation is real and it can be resisted with God's help. Sermons That Work From … [Read More...] about Sermons That Work From James 1

Sermons That Work From Hebrews 12
Sermons that work from Hebrews 12 is a sermon about Running the Race of Life Faithfully. This is an expository sermon from Hebrews 12:1-2. Sermons That Work From Hebrews 12 Sermons That Work From Hebrew 12:1-2 is an expository … [Read More...] about Sermons That Work From Hebrews 12

Sermons That Work From Luke 3
Sermons that work from Luke 3 is a sermon about listening to the voice of God. Listening to the Voice of God is an expository sermon from Luke 3:1-20. Sermons That Work From Luke 3 Sermons That Work From Luke 3 is an expository … [Read More...] about Sermons That Work From Luke 3

Sermons That Work From 1 Kings 19
SERMONS THAT WORK FROM 1 KINGS 19 is a sermon about conquering discouragement. This is a topical sermon with three main preaching points which helps explain discouragement. Sermons That Work From 1 Kings 19 is a topical sermon that examines the … [Read More...] about Sermons That Work From 1 Kings 19

Free Baptist Sermons
Free Baptist Sermons are a collection of baptist sermons written by a baptist minister. These free baptist sermons are snippets from baptist sermons that can be used to gather ideas to develop baptist sermons for your … [Read More...] about Free Baptist Sermons

Sermons On Grace
Sermons on Grace is a topical sermon that looks at the Grace of God from various Scriptures. It asks a very important question: Is the Grace of God Sufficient? Is the Grace of God sufficient to save me from my sin? Sermons on … [Read More...] about Sermons On Grace

Topical Sermon Outlines
Topical Sermon Outlines explain how to create sermon outlines so that you can preach topical sermons to your congregation. Topical Sermon Outlines All sermons have some form of structure so that you can preach your message in a … [Read More...] about Topical Sermon Outlines

Who Is Your Toughest Leadership Challenge?
Who Is Your Toughest Leadership Challenge examines The Art of Self-Leadership. The most overlooked area of leadership is this area of self-leadership. After all, the toughest management challenge is always yourself. Who Is Your … [Read More...] about Who Is Your Toughest Leadership Challenge?

Why Believer’s Baptism?
Believer's baptism is one of the two primary ordinances of the local church. Believer's baptism is a reflection of the Christian's new life in Jesus Christ. Why Believer's Baptism simply examines what is believer's baptism and the significance of … [Read More...] about Why Believer’s Baptism?

Free Topical Sermons
Free Topical Sermons: There are different ways to present God's word to God's people. The topical sermon is one way to share God's word with God's people. In this article, I will look at what is a topical sermon, how to write a topical sermon, … [Read More...] about Free Topical Sermons

Free Sermons
Free Sermons: Free online sermons provides a collection of biblical sermons from different books of the Bible. These free online sermons are not complete manuscript sermons; however, they are brief sermon outlines with reasonable … [Read More...] about Free Sermons

Classic Christianity by Bob George
Classic Christianity by Bob George provides a challenge for believers to return to Biblical Christianity. Classic Christianity by Bob George Bob George answers some vital questions like: What does it mean to have Christ living in you? How … [Read More...] about Classic Christianity by Bob George

Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians
Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians: As a minister of religion, you can expect to be asked to officiate at funeral services and memorial services. You can also presume that many of those funeral services and memorial services will be unexpected. … [Read More...] about Free Funeral Sermons For Non-Christians

Growing in Grace by Bob George
The best way to explain Growing in Grace by Bob George is to provide some extracts from his book. Growing in Grace by Bob George As Bob himself writes: "If your only experience of God's grace is salvation, you're missing half the good news. … [Read More...] about Growing in Grace by Bob George

How To Write Short Christmas Sermons?
How To Write Short Christmas Sermons? Short Christmas sermons should tell the story of the birth of Jesus Christ and the purpose of his coming. I frame short Christmas sermons from passages of Scripture that focus on his birth and his redemptive … [Read More...] about How To Write Short Christmas Sermons?

How To Write A 3 Point Sermon?
A 3 point sermon is all about structuring the sermon with 3 basic points and these three points guide the preacher and the audience through the theme of the sermon. How To Write A 3 Point Sermon provides the 4 steps for writing a 3 point sermon: … [Read More...] about How To Write A 3 Point Sermon?

How To Write A Topical Sermon
How To Write a Topical Sermon! Before you can write a topical sermon, you will need to know what is a topical sermon? A topical sermon proclaims a biblical principle or truth. A topical sermon allows you to preach such topics as: Christian love, … [Read More...] about How To Write A Topical Sermon

Figures of Speech in Psalms
Hebrew poetry is a unique type of language that uses colorful expressions known as figures of speech to bring tenderness, richness, vividness and energy to biblical poetry. The figures of speech in the psalms are: (1) simile, (2) metaphor, (3) … [Read More...] about Figures of Speech in Psalms

Seven Types of Parallelism in Hebrew Poetry
Seven Types of Parallelism in Hebrew Poetry: Hebrew poetry has a distinctive type of sentence. It is called parallelism. Parallelism is best described as two or more lines that use different words but similar grammatical form to explain the same … [Read More...] about Seven Types of Parallelism in Hebrew Poetry

What are the Seven Types of Psalms?
What are the seven types of psalms? To interpret the psalms correctly, it is advantageous to designate the genre of the psalms or the literary type of the psalms. There are different ways to categorize the 150 psalms but for this article, I will … [Read More...] about What are the Seven Types of Psalms?

How To Preach The Psalms
How To Preach The Psalms: Before you can preach the psalms, you will need a method of analyzing the psalms in order to prepare the psalms for preaching. In other words, what must you know about the psalms in order to prepare the psalms for … [Read More...] about How To Preach The Psalms

Preparing and Delivering Sermons
Preparing and Delivering Sermons: When it comes to sermon preparation and delivery, it is something that we learn and develop while on the journey. After four years of seminary, I had enough knowledge to begin my preaching ministry but as time went … [Read More...] about Preparing and Delivering Sermons

What is Inductive Preaching?
What is inductive preaching? Preaching doesn’t come in only one style or method. There are different methods to deliver a message in a sermon. There is inductive preaching (this method tells your hearers what the message is about at the end or … [Read More...] about What is Inductive Preaching?

What is Deductive Preaching?
What is deductive preaching? There are different methods you can use to tell your listeners what your sermon is about. You can use the deductive method (tell your audience at the beginning what your sermon is about), the inductive method (tell … [Read More...] about What is Deductive Preaching?

What is Regeneration in the Bible
What is regeneration in the Bible? The apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” So how do we become new creatures in Christ? The … [Read More...] about What is Regeneration in the Bible

Views of the Millennial Kingdom
Views of the Millennial Kingdom: The Millennial Kingdom describes the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ which is specifically mentioned in Revelation 20:1-10. “…And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years” (Revelation … [Read More...] about Views of the Millennial Kingdom

How To Study Revelation
How To Study Revelation: There are many interpretive views to the book of Revelation and because of this, most people stay away from it. And yet, God has promised a blessing on those who read it and obey it. As the Bible says at the beginning of … [Read More...] about How To Study Revelation

Different Bible Study Methods
Different Bible Study Methods: When it comes to studying the Bible, there are two Bible study methods that we need to consider. The first Bible study method is a very simple approach to understanding and applying the Bible to our lives. The second … [Read More...] about Different Bible Study Methods

3 Aspects of Salvation
3 Aspects of Salvation in Christ Jesus: There are three biblical words that expand and explain salvation in Jesus Christ. These three words are: justification, sanctification and glorification. Below is a very brief overview of these three biblical … [Read More...] about 3 Aspects of Salvation

The Rapture of the Church
The Rapture of the Church: There are two phases or stages to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Old Testament and New Testament tell us that the Son of Man will come to reign and rule on the earth (Zechariah 14:9; Matthew 24:29-31) but … [Read More...] about The Rapture of the Church

What are the Difference Views of the Rapture?
Question: What are the different views of the rapture? There are usually four views concerning the rapture of the church. Pre-tribulation view The rapture of the church occurs before the seven (7) year tribulation period. Jesus said … [Read More...] about What are the Difference Views of the Rapture?